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Garfield: Caught in the Act is a side-scrolling platform game where players take control of the titular cat across multiple levels of varying thematic set on the television in order to defeat an evil electronic being known as the Glitch and escape the TV as the main objective.[2][3]

The levels featured in the game, though linear in nature, are large and populated with multiple obstacles, enemies and environmental hazards, involving the player to traverse the stage by running, jumping, climbing, swinging, throwing objects or dodging enemies while later levels become more maze-like and exploratory, making the player to take different routes to reach the end and a boss must be fought to progress further. There are two types of bonus rounds, one of which resembles a Whac-A-Mole game. Each time the player defeats a boss, Garfield takes a commercial break where he rockets through the Television Wasteland, trying for an extra life or a continue.[2][3]

Garfield is able to attack enemies up close or throw objects at them (close-range weapons and objects thrown change between each level).[2][3] Enemies consist of ghosts, piranhas, crabs, bulldogs and mummified mice, among others.[2][3] All levels also contain beneficial items and weapon ammunition to be collected for Garfield, among other secrets to be found. If Garfield is defeated, he respawns on the nearest checkpoint reached but once all lives are lost, the game is over, though players have the option of resuming progress by using continues or loading their saved game via password into the last level reached.[

Garfield Caught in the Act

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