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The PlayStation 3, Wii and Xbox 360 versions feature nine explorable levels. The Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable versions feature twenty-four levels, and the Nintendo DS features fourteen explorable worlds. The Wii is the only version of the game that features 3 head-to-head multiplayer modes,[5] while the Nintendo DS version features co-op modes playable as WALL-E or EVE. As the player plays through the levels of the Nintendo DS version, they unlock clips from the movie viewable at any time. The Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable versions allow the player to use music to summon reject bots throughout the game. The story mode seems to be altered as the character's roles are different from the movie such as WALL-E can commonly use his laser, GO-4 survives (and tries to steal the plant when the Axiom lands on Earth), EVE is tasered by AUTO (referenced to WALL-E being tasered in the original), WALL-E repairing EVE (in the original EVE tries to repair WALL-E) and WALL-E survives from getting crushed by the Holo-Detector. The reversal of EVE and WALL-E being damaged was actually intended to occur in the movie, but was later changed.


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