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Cook Off is a cooking simulation, where dishes are prepared by completing a series of short minigames. Each minigame represents a step in the meal preparation process, with a complete dish requiring anywhere from two to more than a dozen such steps. Players use the Wii Remote to mimic real-life cooking movements such as rolling, slicing, chopping, and stirring. For example, during a minigame involving grinding up raw beef, the player might be instructed to move the Wii Remote in a circular motion as if grasping the handle of a meat grinder. Both the Wii Remote's motion sensing and positional/pointing capabilities may be utilized, depending on the minigame.[1]

Cook Off features 55 recipes using over 300 ingredients. Although the initial number of accessible recipes is relatively small, new recipes are unlocked as previous recipes are successfully completed. Available recipes are displayed in a cookbook, along with a small national flag next to each, indicating each recipe's country of origin. While Cook Off includes fewer total recipes than Cooking Mama, recipes have a greater average number of steps and/or ingredients.

The dishes come from 10 countries: France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Japan, Italy, China, Germany, India, and Russia.

Cooking Mama Cook Off

SKU: 096427014874

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