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Players are led by a virtual personal fitness coach named Maya (voiced by Yumi Lee, who is also credited for workout design and modeling). Prior to the first workout, players must complete a fitness assessment. Players are asked to record their resting heart rates, then, following two minutes of jumping jacks, are asked to record their heart rates again. This data is used to approximate the relative intensity of the physical activity of completing that set of jumping jacks. This is then used to determine what types of exercises Maya will ask players to complete during their exercise routines. The fitness assessment also records players' self-reported weight and evaluates strength and flexibility.

Core strength is measured by the amount of sit-ups (a maximum of 40) the player can complete; lower-body strength is measured by the number of squats (a maximum of 60) the player can complete, and upper strength is measured by the number of push-ups (a maximum of 40) the player can complete. Flexibility is measured on a 1-7 scale by how far the player can reach forward when seated with the legs stretched out in front with feet flexed. On every 10th workout, the player will repeat this fitness evaluation as a Physical Challenge. This results in a dynamic workout program that changes with the player's physical fitness level and ability. Based on the results of each Physical Challenge, Maya will suggest one of 5 areas a player can choose to emphasize in—Weight Loss, Cardio, Upper Strength, Core Strength, and Lower Strength. In addition to this, Maya will also suggest an emphasis for each workout a player initiates. In addition to these workout options, the player can choose to do Yoga by selecting the Meditation Garden.

My Fitness Coach

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