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The main game of Civilization Revolution begins in 4000 BC, with a lone settler unit in the middle of a little-explored region. That settler has the capability to found a city, which, depending on its specific mix of geographical surroundings, begins harvesting food (for the continued growth of the city), production (for the creation of units and buildings), and trade (that can be then turned into either research points or wealth). In the early stages of the game, you will encounter uncivilized villages consisting of primitives such as barbarians and friendly villages. Over time, further settlers can be created, forming new cities; buildings can be built to improve each city's overall productivity; military units can be formed, focusing either on defense, offense, or exploration; technologies can be researched, allowing for newer buildings and units; etc. Buildings in a final category, "Wonders", provide major advantages to the civilization that builds it, either across their entire empire or just in the building city, depending on the Wonder. Meanwhile, rival civilizations are encountered, which can be both valuable trade partners, strategic allies, or dangerous enemies. Ultimately, each civilization competes for land and resources with the purpose of eventual military, technological, cultural, or economic domination.

Civilization Revolution is a turn based strategy game, with every "turn" representing the passage of several years within the game, which changes from 100 years in the beginning to two years by the end, reflecting the faster pace of contemporary society made possible by technological advancements. Later-era units and buildings are also more "expensive" to build (in terms of production points) than earlier ones, which is matched with cities' increased efficiency and population. Where the early game tends to be focused on exploring and expanding one's empire, the later game is dominated by the interactions forced upon the player by rival civilizations.

A victory can be achieved in four different ways. Unless specified in a scenario, all four victory conditions are open to be used. Different civilizations have distinct advantages over others depending on their bonuses.

  • Domination: The player must capture all of the other civilizations' capital cities and hold them for one full round; but they do not need to destroy or capture every city.
  • Culture: Obtain a total of 20 great persons, wonders, and/or converted cities in any combination, and build the United Nations wonder.
  • Economic: Acquire 20,000 gold and build the World Bank wonder.
  • Technological: Research all technologies necessary to build and launch a space ship, and be the first to reach Alpha Centauri.

If the player's civilization is nearing one of the above-mentioned victory conditions other than Domination, all other civilizations will declare war on them in an attempt to delay or stop them from winning. The construction of the World Bank, the construction of the United Nations, and the launching of the ship to Alpha Centauri can all be stopped by capturing the enemy's capital and palace.

Players can control one of 16 different civilizations, each with a different leader. Each civilization starts the game with a different special bonus that can be either a technology, a Great Person, or a special ability. As the game progresses through time, the civilizations also obtain new abilities after researching a specific number of technologies. In a given game each civilization can have up to four bonuses that vary from civilization to civilization. Many of the civilizations have specific specialized units that only they can build but unlike previous installments, Which can have bonuses to stats as well. (Ex: Spanish, conquistador vs. knight. The Knight has an "attack" of 2, "defense" of 1 and "movement" of 2, the conquistador has an "attack" of 4, "defense" of 2 and "movement" of 2).

There are also NPC barbarians who will declare war on any civilization they encounter, regardless of that civilization's strength or their own. In contrast to the barbarians in previous installments of the Civilization series, the barbarians in Civilization Revolution live in villages and generally attack from them, although they occasionally venture toward nearby units or cities. Also, the level of barbarian activity cannot be adjusted as in previous installments, although the level of barbarian activity changes in certain scenarios.

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution

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